Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials


Seasonal Flowers

Reviews for The Flower Studio Carmarthen

At The Flower Studio we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

Beautiful bouquets for sad occasions. This is the second time this year I???ve used The Flower Studio for sympathy bouquets, and both times they have been absolutely beautiful and very well received. Thank you so much for the care you take in putting these together and delivering them.


Annie - D2f Review

20th Sep, 2023

This was the first time I had used this florist and the flowers arrived only a couple of hours after ordering - received a telephone call from recipient saying how beautiful they were so thank you very much


Mrs Hippard - D2f Review

12th Sep, 2023

Brilliant service as always. Sandy knows what we customers like and builds the bouquet accordingly. My wife loves them!!


Mr Dutton - D2f Review

25th Aug, 2023

An amazing experience and can always be trusted to come up with the right flowers for the occasion, even correctly my wrong choice of bouquet for my wife! We order three different lots of flowers the last time and they were all perfect.


Feefo Review - Verified

12th Jul, 2023

Very pleased with flowers and service


Mrs Clements - D2f Review

22nd Jun, 2023

Sandi was great! My girlfriend loved. Her flowers and Sandi's delivery of them! She says Sandi was so lovely to her


Temitomi - D2f Review

24th May, 2023

Very thankful for speed of delivery - was great to get earlier delivery. Somewhat surprised by size given cost option chosen - didnt seem to be scaled up from standard option.


Mr Evans - D2f Review

20th Mar, 2023

Flowers arrived on time, fresh and beautiful. Lovely colour coordinated, muted colours as requested. Recipient is very. Happy with them. Thank you


Mrs Thompson - D2f Review

17th Mar, 2023

excellent service, very pleased with flowers, will use again in future


Mr Jones - D2f Review

14th Feb, 2023

Excellent service , highly recommend


Feefo Review - Verified

3rd Jan, 2023